Conditions That May Respond Well to Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy translates into "cold therapy" and is a treatment theory that uses cold temperatures to treat a wide range of pain-causing conditions. Cold treatment is delivered through various means, including cold packs, ice massages, and even cold probing. Most cryotherapy treatment plants aren't a one and done proposition—you will likely need to receive several therapy treatments before you start to feel the benefits. The following are just a few conditions that cryotherapy can help treat.

Sports Injuries

Injuries are likely one of the most common reasons that people first seek out cryotherapy. Repetitive movements can lead to ongoing nerve pain, which standard physical therapy and pain relief may not be able to address. During treatment for this nerve pain, the provider will insert a small cold probe into the area directly affected, which can help release the nerve and alleviate the pain, both in the short term and possibly permanently.

Arthritis Relief

Severe arthritis pain may require localized treatment, such as with a cold probe, or it may be better to perform a whole body treatment with an ice bath or a coolant spray. Cryotherapy for arthritis is often combined with other treatments, such as medication and range of motion exercises. The cryotherapy provides short term pain relief until the other treatments begin to work.

Headaches and Migraines

Many types of headaches and  migraines are caused by tension in the neck, shoulders, and upper back. Using cold treatment to relieve this tension can help prevent the migraines from even occurring. Headache cryotherapy treatments often consist of topical treatments of ice packs to the affected area, although sometimes an ice bath or a targeted coolant spray application may be used.

Anxiety Treatments

Exposure to cold can cause a hormone response, such as the release of endorphins, which can sometimes help receive generalized anxiety responses. Whole body cryotherapy treatments, like ice baths, are typically used to elicit this response in anxiety sufferers. Cryotherapy is rarely used alone for mental health treatment, though. Therapy or counseling is recommended, and medication may also be necessary to fully manage the condition.

Skin Inflammation

Certain types of dermatitis and inflammation responds well to cryotherapy. Both local topical treatments, like ice packs, as well as whole body treatments in cold chambers or ice baths, can reduce the inflammation and irritation so that your skin can heal.

Contact a service that provides whole body cryotherapy treatment to learn more.

About Me

Enjoying A Salon

About a year ago, I realized that my look was incredibly dated. My hair was turning gray, my skin was dull and lackluster, and I could tell that people were nervous about my nails. After a lot of thought and consideration, I decided to head to the salon to see what they could do for me, and it made all the difference in the world. I was primped and pampered, and within a few hours I looked like a brand-new version of myself. It was a really amazing experience, and I was really pleased that I had chosen to work with the experts. Check out this blog for more information.



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